Endgame money

Strata’s vision: endgame money, made in bitcoin.
Oct 1, 2024
min read

Strata is a programmable layer built on bitcoin, using zero-knowledge (“ZK”) proofs to enable trust-minimized applications for BTC.

Our vision: endgame money.

Bitcoin wasn’t just a technological innovation—it was a monetary uprising. It emerged as a bold response to a financial system where centralized powers held too much control over people’s money. Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision was revolutionary: money with no masters, belonging to the people—transparent, decentralized, and immune to manipulation. As bitcoin spreads its wings, it remains, at its core, a monetary revolution.

Yet, bitcoin’s full potential as money has been stifled by its limited scripting capabilities, driving BTC into the hands of centralized services like exchanges, payment providers and institutional custodians. This reliance reintroduces trust, eroding the core principles of bitcoin. Without more expressivity, bitcoin’s promise is diluted, leaving it vulnerable to the very forces it sought to overthrow.

Strata is the response to uphold bitcoin’s revolutionary promise, countering the reliance on centralized entities for using BTC. It introduces new programmability while remaining rooted in bitcoin’s core values—ensuring that bitcoin remains a tool of true monetary freedom above all else.

Don’t Trust, ZK Verify

At the heart of bitcoin lies a simple, unstoppable truth: Don’t trust, verify. It’s the power of every individual to run a node, challenge the system, and independently verify the rules that govern it. But for too long, this power has been confined to the base layer or limited in its scope. With the advent of ZK proofs, that boundary is shattered. Now, verification of proofs extends bitcoin’s security, liveness, and liquidity to the farthest edges of off-chain activity.

Validity proofs, colloquially referred to as “ZK” proofs, compress arbitrary computation, allowing their integrity to be indisputably verified by any digital device. Off-chain actions—whether payments, custody, or finance—no longer need to be left to the blind trust of intermediaries. Upon the culmination of this paradigm, bitcoin will itself become the arbiter of truth, extending its reach beyond simple payments and unleashing a new realm of expressive, private, and trust-minimized applications.

ZK proofs create an asymmetric dynamic where the burden falls on large, centralized entities to prove their integrity. No longer can the powerful hide behind walls of complexity. With ZK proofs posted on bitcoin anyone, with any digital device, can verify the integrity of another actor. This is genuine decentralization.

Strata marks the dawn of a new era—one where we no longer hope BTC service providers ‘aren’t evil’, but one where we cryptographically verify they cannot be so.

An Intellectual Renaissance

For years, bitcoin was the beating heart of innovation in our industry. The cutting-edge technologies that define today’s blockchain landscape were first imagined in the halls of forums like Bitcointalk. Visionaries like Greg Maxwell foresaw that the future lay not in computation but in the power of verification—unlocking scalability through proofs, not pure computation.

“All of these radical improvements in scalability, privacy, and flexibility show up when you realize that Turing complete is the wrong tool, that what our systems do is verification, not computation.” 

– Greg Maxwell (BitcoinTalk)

Over the years as innovation shifted to other ecosystems, bitcoin’s momentum and culture of experimentation slowed. But cryptographic breakthroughs like ZK proofs along with base layer innovations like BitVM have brought us full circle. We’re on the cusp of arbitrary computation being verifiably settled on bitcoin, opening a frontier of new possibilities.

Strata is reigniting the spirit of experimentation in bitcoin. We’re not waiting for permission or politics—we’re building, coding, and reclaiming bitcoin as the frontier of innovation.

Make Bitcoin Cypherpunk Again

In Eric Hughes’ 1993 Cypherpunk Manifesto, the message was clear: “Cypherpunks write code.” This wasn’t just a statement—it was a call to arms. Cypherpunks knew that real change in the digital age wouldn’t come from endless debate or theory but through direct action and creation.

They saw cryptography as an asymmetric weapon, a tool for defense, not conquest—empowering individuals to resist the overwhelming force of centralized systems.

While governments and armies wield offensive power, cryptography flips the dynamic. One person, armed with encryption, can defy empires. It’s the shield of the powerless, allowing the small to resist the large and protect freedom from the tightening grip of centralized authority.

Strata reinforces the cypherpunk ethos in bitcoin. It’s a movement of action and asymmetric defense in a world increasingly dominated by surveillance and control.

One Small Step For Strata

Today, Strata is a small but meaningful step towards the vision of endgame money. Strata will begin as a ZK rollup with an EVM execution environment  secured by bitcoin together with a BitVM2-based bridge. This will enable a massive ecosystem of existing developers and tooling to easily work with the most trust-minimized version of BTC available. Strata’s scope will then expand to support arbitrary execution environments, trustless interoperability, and unbounded throughput. 

Strata is ushering in the era of verifiable computation on bitcoin.

Endgame Money

Endgame money is more than a store of value; it’s the realization of bitcoin’s revolutionary promise—a financial system that transcends control, rooted in self-sovereignty and decentralization. It’s the reawakening of the cypherpunk vision: a call to action. A movement that reclaims money as a tool for liberation, empowering individuals rather than concentrating power.

Endgame money is the final evolution of bitcoin, where cutting-edge technology merges with the ethos of sound money. A system without limitations, where money moves freely, unshackled by centralized forces.

Strata is the path to endgame money.


The future will not be built by passive observers. It will be shaped by those who take action, who defy centralized control, and who understand that true power lies in trustless, decentralized systems. Strata stands at the frontier of this movement—if you believe in endgame money, join us and help build a future where freedom reigns.

Follow Strata on X to join us on this journey.